The first Encointer currency is Zurich’s Leu. We are looking forward to launching more communities soon – check back to see our network grow.


The hometown of the Encointer Association will serve as a first testing ground for our platform. While Zurich clearly is no economically deprived area, it does exhibit high levels of inequality and people are very open to concepts like basic income and equal opportunity.

But first and foremost: This is an experiment with a whole lot of societal, economical and technical innovation – a very good fit for a city like Zurich.


The Green Bay Dollar (GBD) is the second live community currency operating on the Encointer platform. Based in Green Bay, a city in eastern Wisconsin with a population of just over 100,000 residents, it presents an urban area of a manageable size with a population of diverse needs and interests. The primary aims of GBD are to encourage users to support local businesses and to foster community engagement. In addition, it can serve as a means for firms to establish customer loyalty programs and reward dedicated employees.
NYOTA, Dar es Salaam

Our first African community lives in the neighbourhood of Mbuharati in Tanzania’s largest city.

The local organizations Jukumu and Chatafisha have joined forces and use Encointer for their local community currency NYT.

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